"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."I received an application to play a survivor game on-line. I would really enjoy it. I filled it out and have sent it to my daughter to comment on.
This is the application and the answers I am giving them:
Survivor World Application:
1. Explain what makes you stand out more than the average person? So many ways to answer this question … I am kind, bright and quick-thinking, …(or you might notice I am also a large woman) … I am often blunt and can tend to be straightforward …you can tell a lot from my choices: facebook name is “all4kindnes4all” and twitter: “love2laugh4ever” and email: 4liberty4all@gmail.com
2. Tell me something not many people know about you? I am a recluse.
3. Where do you work if you work at all? Used to run my own business, Now on disability.
4. What are your 5 best qualities? Kind, Genuine, Intelligent, Pragmatic Pessimist/flexible, Enjoy the moment for what it is and don’t want the past back just because it was good or better
5. What are your 3 worst qualities? Slob, Some what secretly enjoy the misfortunes of nasty people, Enjoy frustrating/annoying nasty/rude folk while being pleasant about it
6. What kind of people do you love? Family, Children, Kind, Witty, Genuine, fun/loving, Street smart/quick
7. What kind of people do you hate? Bigots, Mean/Cruel, Shallow, blind followers, abusive, greedy at others expense, bullies, politicians/lawyers
8. What is your favorite survivor season? WHY? Liked them all … find human interaction fascinating, they blur together for me as I can’t remember faces/names and a time sequence thing that interferes, I enjoy the craziness and the various ways people opt to play; but I suppose the one where the women totally manipulated the guys and the kid gave his immunity to prove he was trustworthy … I really like clever strategy and very stupid moves are a blast to watch. In that same season the big guy went home with 2 idols in his pocket … I think that was best season.
9. What is your least favorite survivor season? WHY? Probably this last one as the balance of players was poorly designed as was the teams, even the players among the teams, more about extreme drama/nuttiness than great plays (even though I have enjoyed it thoroughly) or possibly the 1st. because no one had played before and their ability to adapt was limited by no experience and too many were easily manipulated…but that would only be from the perspective of the rest and that fact is that I would have to re-watch them all and then I might have a different answer … Still all are fun to watch for their own quirks, people are always interesting even when unlikable.
10. Who are your 5 favorite players? WHY? Parvarty (clever/sneaky and so upfront about it and still she survives/ and she manipulated Russell), Sandra (she doesn’t have to be in charge, but is loyal to a functional point, and smart, understands how to win… and she totally played Russell), Cirie (fun/humor, clever … she sticks out when people rarely do), Big black guy who had 2 idols … likable and funny + Brenda this season (I really liked her style, intelligence … she has real potential because her confidence is not arrogance … she is willing to learn)
11. Who are your 5 least favorite players? WHY? Dan (totally useless and mean under fire), Russell (too arrogant/focuses on using women and doesn’t get the full nature of the game and whines about it), Fairplay … (just too sleazy turned quitter), Coach (the arrogance with the false sense of integrity was slimy/annoying), Jimmy (coach this season – cause though likable he played the game not to win ie useless)… most don’t stick in my mind …
12. In this game would you be more or a hero or a villain? Why? More Hero than Villain, but very willing to mislead someone and do it with honesty (There is a place for truthfulness … would lie to my kids face so as not to ruin Christmas or a surprise … point of the game is to win … stupid to put truth over playing the game, but wouldn’t be mean ... there are other ways to do something than to be mean. I can be very blunt.)
13. What would be the nicest thing you would do in this game? Not sure of the parameters do I don’t know what I might do ... but if it doesn’t mess with the game play, I would tend to be nicer than most.
14. What would be the meanest thing you would do in this game? I would be able to straight out lie to a gullible person to move forward. Hard to say …. Willing to participate or instigate but not sure it would not be my first instinct; but to remove an arrogant/rude player … I could surprise myself. In a virtual world mean is less clear ... but in reality, I cannot recall ever being mean.
15. If you knew someone was cheating would you tell us? Depends on the rules … If that is a deal breaker that should terminate you … most likely (if it is a very gray situation – I might think long and hard about it), especially likely if part of agreeing to play the game is to do that … cause it would ruin the integrity … & probably yes if I believed the integrity of the game was compromised, but would leave to you to decide what that meant. Hard to be sure in the abstract. I don’t blindly follow rules, and I don’t tend to break them.
16. Would you rather win the title of sole survivor or $1 million? $1 million dollars … who cares about the title that much… the money would change my life and my children’s and allow me to do phenomenal generous things… (I’d be stupid to want the title more and lying to say otherwise)
17. If you had an idol would you possibly give it to an ally? Only if it really meant furthering me in the game (not like Marty did) … I am flexible … but I wouldn’t tell anyone I had it … the last option would be to give it away, but if strategically smart … absolutely.
18. What kind of player would you be in this game? EXPLAIN IN DETAIL The kind of player I would be would most likely be influenced by the makeup of my tribe. I would be assessing that constantly, I would initially/automatically be nice, tend to naturally contribute, befriend folk, listen, and never nasty to spice the game up. I really can’t picture how the game works, but I tend to be a person who gets involved, don’t typically take a leadership role and I don’t feel inclined to run things. I play hard and would contribute my best. I tend to be good at being the grease the makes the contraption move smoothly as it gives me perspective and involvement. I expect to come off as intelligent. I can lead and am not afraid to step up at a given moment if that is best way to help in a task or challenge. It’s easy to speculate and hard to really know.
19. How many nights per week can you strategize? Totally flexible … as many as I can … I can get obsessive if I am having fun … I can make any night free or every night free.
20. How many hours per night can you strategize? As long as it takes … I have no limitations … time flies when I am enjoying myself
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