Wednesday, October 27, 2010

good vs evil

I wrote a poem and then reread poems and spent some time tweaking Profoundly Flagrant. I love writing and honing poetry. I worked on the rhythm and the rhyme and some word choices. The original idea seems to have existed from the onset, and what I do is reveal it and clarify it.

From Criminal Minds, Aristotle said,
"Evil brings men together."
I heard this and had a flash on kindness and how that would have to mean alone. All of a sudden, for an instant, I make sense. Just like the flash ... for an instant.

Again from another Criminal Minds, a quote by writer Cory Doctorow:
"All secrets are deep. All secrets become dark. That's in the nature of secrets."
I've kept so many secrets, thoughts, things. It seems that there is no possible confession that can adequately flush them clean. No matter how much I wish it, I seem to keep silent to those I should express myself to; and even when I do speak, what say seems only the tip of it all.

It has been pouring out. Now it is time to catch up on Craig Ferguson's show for the week ... and laugh a little. That's always a good thing.

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speaking to a universe without ears