Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I have written a lot today. My mind has wandered all over the map. I dream of getting help from Ellen or someone like her. I imagine having my bathroom redone, and stairs and floor exposed to the cellar repaired. I dream of cleansing my house and basement of everything that I only keep cause it could make money but which I don't have any connection with, keeping what I like and enjoy and has meaning for me, where all that is tossed is offered to anyone who could use it or sell it so only real trash is tossed. Giving what I discard to people who would value it and use it, or who would sell it for their own benefit or for the money for others would be such a huge plus. I dream of a yard makeover, where it was easy to exit directly into the fenced area, where I could enjoy being outside, or just where the entries and exits support having dogs. That's about living. I dream about a pool exposed to the light and to the air in the summer and not in the winter, where I can swim naked, one where I could exercise and find freedom in using my body. That's about living well. Money doesn't matter. All I would want is what is needed to cover taxes if anything given was taxable or to pay off my car so keeping warm was easier, though I could manage living on disability well enough.

That I dream is a good sign that today was a good day after all.

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United States
speaking to a universe without ears